Sunday, March 15, 2009

P.B.S.M Junior CAMP

I just came back from camp yesterday.After i came back i took a bath and straight away went to sleep, I slept for 14 hours man...around there lah...I felt so damn freaking tired x-x. XD But the camp was so FUN!!!! Fun until leg and hand oso pain =D haha ...=DWe had treasure hunt on the first night and we had to go around the whole school from 11 2 around 12 something, until one of the groups won.The next day we had marching and latihan tahan lasak....thetahan lasak thing was so fun and tiring. The seniors went to tie the strings around the poles in school..... they tied it so low and we had 2 crawl underneath, and the got one of the parts hey put broken egg shell there so its like we all had 2 scratch our hands....then got another part there was like flour on the floor. So we had like tepung all ove rour hands....sob....but the fun part was after that "the seniors"spray water at us + they mixed flour and water and poured it all over us. After it dried our hair all got tepung stuck on it.. wash oredi oso still got ah...Then we had malam kebudayaan....each group had to perform something Xp my group danced fro short while plus i as the group leader. My group members keep on asking me wat 2 do arh.. i oso ...hehe lol. The next day , when the sesi pecah-pecah ... they broke eggs on some of the students head ... G2G mom chasing me , i continue later byebye

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